How to Order littleSTEPS® or QUADRASTEPS® Orthotics

We get asked all the time “How do I go about ordering littleSTEPS® or QUADRASTEPS® orthotics. We thought we would put it all in one place for you to make it easy!


If you are not yet a Customer

If you aren’t yet a customer, we are happy to set you up as one! You will need to first speak to a sales representative so that they can get you pricing and establish contact information. You can call our office 877-792-4669 and we can transfer you to a sales rep, or you can call Bert Parsloe directly at 203-725-6179. Once you have gotten your pricing and gotten set up, you are ready to place your first order using the procedure below.

Existing Customer Orders

  • Print a copy of our order form . A copy of our order form can be found on every page of in the practitioner’s portal, and in the boxes with your orders.
  • Fill out AT LEAST the following: Company name, contact person, phone number/email, ship to/bill to STATE.
    1. NOTE: our team uses a combination of the state your facility is in, the company name, and contact name (usually owner or OM). Including the above information ensures that your order doesn’t go to the wrong customer.
    2. Further, in the event that there is an issue with the order as placed, the above information will allow our team to speak to the correct contact person in your office; greatly reducing the time it takes to ship.
  • Be sure to fill out the correct Quad, Size, width, and whether there is a topcover or not.
    1. Our orthotics come in Regular width and Narrow width.
    2. Standard topcover is full length and extends to toes. Additional $25.00 charge applies for orthotics with topcover.
    3. Any special requests or adjustments should be written in the “special instructions” section on the bottom of the order form. Additional $10.00 charge for adjustments made by Nolaro24.
    4. YOU CAN order two different orthotics if your patient has different size/quad feet. Just note on the order form which orthotic will be “L”eft or “R”ight. A $5.00 mismatch fee will be applied to any pairs ordered this way.
    5. Be sure to check off if you’d like your orthotics inside our product packaging bags, or if you’d like to only receive the orthotics and break-in instructions. No additional charge for product packaging.
  • Include credit card (optional):
    1. The benefit of pre-paying by credit card is that it qualifies you for any quarterly sales or promotions.
    2. Fill out all pertinent information including card number, expiration, CCV code, and Street/Zip code where the monthly credit card statement is sent (if it is different than your billing address; such as a doctor’s personal card).
    3. Note on the order form if you’d like your card put on file in our encrypted database. IF YOU DO NOT SPECIFICALLY ASK NOLARO24 to put your credit card on file, the information will be destroyed and unavailable for future use.
  • Note any Purchase Order number or patient name you’d like referenced in the P.O. field or in the special instructions. This information will be noted on your packing list and invoice, helping to avoid confusion within your office.
  • Orders may be submitted via Email, Fax, phone or through the mailEmail: emailed order can be sent directly into the warehouse at The benefits of emailing your order are: Currently the most reliable method of submission, emailed orders receive a response confirming that we have received your order, and open a line of communication with the warehouse in the event you would like to alter your order in some way shape or form. Emails checked throughout the work day.

    Fax: Faxed orders can be sent to (203)758-1011. The benefits of a fax order are: most quick form of submission, good for submitting orders with adjustments for multiple patients, quick easy submission. Fax orders received throughout the day.

    Phone: Orders may be submitted over the phone by calling (877)792-4669 ext. 1. The benefits of submission via phone are: Quick easy phone call to one of three qualified front office staff, instant confirmation of orders (no confirmation numbers provided), personal information is not transmitted through the internet, and questions/concerns can be addressed at the time of ordering (warehouse staff are not medically trained, but do possess a basic understanding of our product. Technical questions or assistance in foot typing should be directed to your sales rep). Office hours are Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM EST.

    Mail: Orders can be mailed to Nolaro24, LLC 80 Turnpike Drive unit 2B, Middlebury CT, 06762. Benefits of submitting orders through the mail: Personal information is not transmitted through the internet, good for submitting multiple order forms with adjustments, and the ability to pre-pay via check for sales/promotional pricing. Mail orders checked once daily with mail delivery.

As per our official company shipping policy, single pair orders without adjustments submitted by 11AM EST will leave the day submitted. Orders sent after 11AM will go the next day. Orders with multiple pairs, topcovers, or adjustments may take more than one day to ship. All shipping estimates are subject to availability of product.

Be sure to check out the features of our products on our website, There are articles, how to videos, gait videos, and more to help you choose the right orthotic for your patients!

Like us on Facebook @quadrasteps
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How to Organize your QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® Kit Drawers

IMG_2444Do you have trouble locating the orthotics you are looking for in your QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® Kit? It’s a great time to organize your drawers for easy access to the pairs you use most often.

Here are some pointers:

  • Pack drawers back to front
  • A and B Quads, heels to the outside of the drawers.
  • Then F and D Quads
  • Then E and C Quads
  • pack each drawer in each size the same way

The most common orthotics will be in the front and most easily accessible. Heels always to the outside of the drawers. Keep a bio-safe wet wipe container on top of the kit to wipe them down after testing on a patient.

Packing drawers consistently speeds up time when choosing your orthotics and when taking inventory for missing pairs when it’s time to reorder…you quickly recognize what’s missing!

For those of you who own Success Kits, it can be a little bit trickier to fit everything.

success kit drawers

Here is an example of how one of our customers organizes his drawers with 2 of each same sized orthotic in each drawer. Be sure to keep all of your size 1 orthotics in the top drawer, your size 2 orthotics in the second drawer, etc. Your littleSTEP® orthotics can go in the drawers with the QUADRASTEP® orthotics, just put size 00, 0, 1 in the top size 1 drawer, the size 2 in the size 2 drawer, etc. Sizes 6-9 can go in the bottom drawer.

Happy Organizing!