Name: Trevor Wilkes
Foot Type: E quad
Position in Nolaro: Fabricator
How long have you worked for Nolaro: 4 months
Favorite part of working for Nolaro: The friendly staff
What did you do before working for Nolaro: Roofer
Favorite food: Lobster
Favorite sports team: Cincinnati Bengals


Reasons why we think John Wayne was a C Quad!

Did you know that at Nolaro24 we nicknamed our C Quad “The John Wayne Walker!”

How to Walk like John WayneJohn Wayne was famous for more than one reason but that swagger tops the list! Here at Nolaro24 we see it as less than a swagger and more of a classic toe out gait. The toe out gait occurs when an uncompensated rearfoot varus is coupled with a neutral forefoot alignment. The C Quad cannot pronate at the subtalar joint and compensates with external rotation of the hips. While we may never really know what John Wayne’s foot type was, we enjoy using that famous swagger to help people understand what our C Quad patient walks like.

For more information about the C Quad, visit nolaro24.com/quadc.html where you can see common C Quad symptoms, videos of the C Quad in gait, and our C Quad orthotic features. Also, check out our videos on how to modify a C Quad orthotic 

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Nolaro24, LLC Introduces the QUADRASTEP® E+ orthotic to its popular QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® LineNEW E+ Orthotic from the QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® by NOLARO24, LLC

Nolaro24™, LLC, founded by Roberta Nole, CEO and Louis J. DeCaro, DPM, proudly introduce our 7th QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® orthotic, the E+, to our revolutionary QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® custom-to-foot-type prefabricated foot orthotics line. The QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® is a state of the art alternative to tradi­tional custom orthotic manage­ment. A smash hit with physicians for over 10 years.

Many practitioners around the world already dispense the six original QUADRASTEP® orthotics effectively with great accuracy on about 80% of all patients. With the addition of our 7th orthotic (the E+), we believe practitioners will be able to effectively treat about 90% of all patients.

The QUADRASTEP® E+ orthotic offers more arch support, more forefoot equinus correction, and increased rearfoot posting over the existing E orthotic. The E+ orthotic will not replace the E orthotic, but will allow practitioners to treat virtually every variety of the highly common E QUAD foot-Type. The new E+ offers these alternative design features to more effectively treat the higher arched E’s!

The E QUAD foot-Type is one of the most common and unique looking feet, often with a reverse-lasted foot shape. This foot-type is the result of a combined Uncompensated Rearfoot Varus, coupled with a moderate to large Forefoot Varus. The E QUAD foot-type is one of the most destructive foot-types of all. The combined uncompensated rearfoot and forefoot varus deformities in this foot-type create a very rigid foot that is unable to provide the motions necessary to load the medial aspect of the foot during the stance phase of gait. The key note feature of this foot-type is by far the ballistic heel whip that is evident at heel rise. The larger the forefoot varus deformity the bigger the heel whip, the larger the toe sign, and the greater the chance of kicking themselves in the opposite leg. Our QUADRASTEP® E does a great job at controlling this foot but mostly for the lower arch variants. The QUADRASTEP® E+ will have all of the benefits of the QUADRASTEP® E, but with a more aggressive arch to control those feet with a higher arch.

In today’s practice, the “ideal” method of treating patients via custom orthoses is often time and cost prohibitive due to declining reimbursements. In contrast, off-the-shelf “arch supports”, al­though less expensive, usually lack adequate biomechanical support. The QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® bridges the gap between custom and non-custom orthoses.

Unlike other off-the-shelf orthotic systems that offer only a “one-shape-fits-all” arch support, the QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® offers 7 Quad specific functional orthoses in two widths, each biomechanically tailored to that of a true custom prescription.