You Asked for It! New Waiting Room Slideshows for QUADRASTEPS® and littleSTEPS®

We have had a great response from all of you to our QUADRASTEPS® and littleSTEPS® waiting room video. I have received several requests for individual videos for either QUADRASTEPS® or littleSTEPS® standalone videos, and they are now available on our website graphics download page (bottom left).

They are both reasonably short videos that you can loop on a monitor in your waiting room or exam room to give your patients more info on the benefits of using QUADRASTEPS® or littleSTEPS® for themselves or their child. They are sprinkled with a few fun facts and some testimonials from patients and parents on how they have benefited from their foot orthotics.

If you haven’t gotten a video going in your waiting or exam rooms yet, it can be a great tool for letting your patients know what kinds of products you have available, as well as entertaining them while they wait. It can get them to ask you questions and get the conversation going on treatment options.

DOWNLOAD the FREE videos today and let you patients know that you carry QUADRASTEPS® foot orthotics for adults or littleSTEPS® foot orthotics for kids!

For more great tips on setting up your own waiting/exam room video see this blog post

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Praise for the Biomechanics & Orthotics Master Class:

“Whether you’ve heard Louis and/or Roberta speak or not, this is one of the best and practical programs regarding biomechanics and orthotics you’ll hear anywhere, any time. Easy to understand, easy to translate to your patients, easy to implement in your practice. Guaranteed you won’t/can’t sleep through the lectures. They’re entertaining and informative, not dry biomechanics, they’re paced well, and Louis might call you out if he catches you sleeping or checking your smartphone. If you have the time, don’t miss it! If you don’t have the time, make the time–you won’t regret it!” – Brandon Macy, DPM


“Great conference. Worth your time. Reignited my passion for biomechanics. Hit the ground running right after the conference!” – Nick Pagano, DPM


“The seminar that we attended in Orlando in December has proven quite beneficial for my practice. The QUADRASTEP method is now being instituted within my practice as a first-line of care and practically all situations.

Roberta’s knowledge along with Dr. DeCaro’s experience with biomechanics made this one of the best biomechanical workshops I’ve attended. In school and residency, we were so focused on surgical correction that much was lost in the very nature of the foot as an integral part of the very nature of human mechanics.

I would recommend the QUADRASTEP SYSTEM wholeheartedly to all of my colleagues as a much better and responsible device for patients to use for a multitude of pathologies. The patients I have a used them on are more satisfied, there are very few if any returns, and we are getting family involved in getting QUADRASTEPS for other family members.

My next plan is to arrange a small workshop at the hospital where I work most of the time and educate the OR nurses on the importance of good mechanical of footwear.

Thank you so much for your lecture series. Am I firmly believe that the information that was provided Is far superior then I receive it most medical conferences. That CMEs are not authorized for this is surprising, in that the conference is so educational.” – Chris Bryant, DPM

Join us for the next Master Class on April 20-21, 2018 at Sheraton Bradley Airport Windsor Locks, CT


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How to Organize your littleSTEPS® Foot Orthotics and Gait Plates

littleSTEPS® foot orthotics in a handy 5 drawer cartAs we step into 2019, our thoughts are returning to cleaning out the old, organizing, and refreshing! Now is a great time to go through your orthotic stock and see what you are missing, what you need to order, and how you can make it easier on yourself to find things.

Have you ever wondered how you could keep your littleSTEPS® foot orthotics and gait plates organized in your treatment room so that they are handy for fitting your patients? Most treatment rooms are pretty full as it is, so it can be hard to keep any kind of inventory on hand in there as well. Louis J DeCaro, DPM shares some pictures of his treatment rooms and his

littleSTEPS® foot orthotics in a handy 5 drawer cartsystem of organizing his littleSTEPS®. He is able to fit 2 complete sets of littleSTEPS® foot orthotics and 2 complete sets of littleSTEPS® gait plates in a 5 drawer cart. His drawers are clearly labeled with the sizes that are in each drawer, making it quick and easy to choose the correct size to fit his patients.

Nolaro24, LLC is going to make it even easier for you! If you purchase a Double littleSTEPS® kit (2 pairs of each of the 11 sizes), we are now going to give you a 5 drawer cart for FREE. This gives you enough stock to keep a set on hand for fitting, and a set on hand for dispensing. You can contact us to get pricing – call Bert Parsloe at 203-725-6179, or call our ordering department at 877-792-4669 to get your treatment rooms organized TODAY!

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