Holiday Waiting Room Poster FREE Download

Everyone needs some love for their feet this holiday season, we are all going 100 miles an hour to get everything done for work and for our families! Put this poster out in your waiting room to get patients to ask about Nolaro24 products for themselves and their kids. Get them to ask “WHAT’S MY FOOT TYPE?”!

DOWNLOAD POSTER now, and while you are getting customers interested, try offering a special on QUADRASTEPS and littleSTEPS, like get a second pair for your boots at a discounted rate! We have a great letter template with ideas if you want to send an offer to your customers for end of the year or holiday specials. Many customers have insurance money they need to use by December 31 so it’s a good time to send a reminder!

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Get your patients a Second Pair of QUADRASTEPS or littleSTEPS!

Since the weather this time of year has a tendency to be rainy/snowy there is a medical necessity for a pair of orthotics that can “get wet” and that the patient can leave in their snow/rain boots.  Even if your patient wears custom orthotics, pre-fabricated QUADRASTEP® or littleSTEPS® orthotics are perfect for this!

You can dispense a pair of UCBL depth, pre-fabricated QUADRASTEP® or littleSTEPS® orthotics (L3060 is allowed for some insurance companies), which are pre-molded and removable with longitudinal and metatarsal support. QUADRASTEP® and littleSTEPS® orthotics deliver prescription-based correction closely matching the criteria of traditional UCBL devices, enabling intervention and treatment of many musculoskeletal conditions.

littleSTEPS® are specifically designed to improve coordination, balance, pain, posture, strength, and aid in the development of a more stable and functional gait. They possess a deep UCBL heel cup with a medial skive, medial and lateral longitudinal arch support.

QUADRASTEP® orthotics are custom-to-foot-type prefabricated foot orthotics. The QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® is a state of the art alternative to traditional custom orthotic management. The QUADRASTEP SYSTEM® bridges the gap between custom and non-custom orthoses. It is based on a foot typing patent, and practical application of a foot typing model that details a specific methodology implementing a clinical algorithm that categorizes a patient’s foot into one of 6 categories.  Each of the 6 foot types consistently demonstrates specific anatomical findings, including foot geometry, force distribution, and most importantly a unique sequence of compensatory mechanisms during gait—a sort of “fingerprint” or explicit profile of that foot type. Accordingly, a particular foot type will influence not only how one walks, but also tendencies towards certain conditions and pathologies. The 6 Quads are lettered A through F, and are color coded for further clarification. Unlike other off-the-shelf orthotic systems that offer only a “One-Shape-Fits-All” arch support, the QUADRASTEP SYSTEM®offers 6 Quad specific functional orthoses, each biomechanically tailored to that of a true custom prescription.

QUADRASTEP® and littleSTEPS® orthotics can also be used as an extra pair for ski boots, work boots, hiking boots, and other applications where your patient needs a pait that can get wet and can be easily cleaned and cared for.

For more information on QUADRASTEP® and littleSTEPS® orthotics, visit us on:
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Today is National Clean up Your Room Day! In honor of the event, why don’t you re-organize you waiting room with a fresh, new orthotics display?

Did you ever wonder how to set up the NOLARO24, LLC products in your store or office?
We have the solution!

The best way to display your QUADRASTEP® and littleSTEPS® would be to have a complete kit of each in your store or office, that way you can fit your customers without opening up your retail bags. With your kit you will have gotten the NOLARO24, LLC educational 6 Quad poster, which makes a great centerpiece along with your kit. It may be easier to display your poster if you frame it, making it simple to hang from your wall or slat board.

In the example above, displayed at Stride Pedorthic Center in Middlebury, CT, they have our new 6 drawer kit which has complete sets of both QUADRASTEP® orthotics and littleSTEPS® orthotics and gait plates. On top of that are some informational brochures for patients and/or parents which we can customize with your logo and office/store information.

Above the kit and brochures, they have hung a framed NOLARO24, LLC 6 Quad poster which you can use  as a reference for arranging your QUADRASTEP® orthotics around the poster. We recommend hanging the A, C, and E Quads on the left; and the B, D, and F Quads on the right. You can hang your littleSTEPS® orthotics around the QUADRASTEP® orthotics on either side.

Another great option is using our new QUADRASTEP® and littleSTEPS® video in your retails space or waiting room. This is an entertaining and informative presentation that you can loop on a laptop or video monitor in the area where the NOLARO24, LLC educational 6 Quad poster sits in the above display. People love to look at the symptoms and try to guess what their foot type is! It can help to prompt customers to ask you to confirm their foot type so that you have the opportunity to fit them with our unique, inexpensive, custom to foot type orthotics. You can download the video on our graphics page on the website.

For more information on getting a kit for your office or retail space, visit or call Bert Parsloe at 203.725.6179.

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